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New and Tried & True Plant Combinations #4

Waterwise Gardening | David Salman

Our Spring 2018 plant sale events are in full swing and we're offering 100's of amazing new and tried & true perennials, ornamental grasses, shrubs, cacti and succulents. We're be showcasing interesting plant combinations you can use as inspiration designing a small space or an entire garden.

Astounding colors

Take a look at this combination of our Delosperma Granita® Raspberry and tried and true Agastache 'Blue Boa' along with Diascia integerrima Coral Canyon®. All three perennials have "knock-your-socks-off" color and all appreciate full sun. Delosperma Granita® Raspberry blooms in spring and is a welcome source of pollen for bees. Agastache 'Blue Boa' is a hummingbird and butterfly favorite and Diascia Coral Canyon is one of the best perennial introductions of this century. Both Blue Boa and Diascia Coral Canyon are long-blooming perennials (more than 4 weeks in bloom). In addition to individual benefits, the beauty of this trio is that you'll be planting a spring bloomer, a summer bloomer and late summer blooming perennial for months of amazing color in your garden.

Penstemon virens

New for 2018!

Granita ® Raspberry Ice Plant (Delosperma Granita Raspberry) is a cold-hardy Ice Plant hybrid with simply stunning color. The large shimmering raspberry-red flowers will be the highlight of your late spring garden when this durable groundcover comes into bloom. Discovered as a volunteer seedling in a Salt Lake City garden, the plant has excellent cold hardiness and tolerates drier Western growing conditions. Like all the Ice Plants, mulching with a layer of small gravel provides the perfect surface to protect the spreading stems from excessive winter moisture. Recommended companion plants include Catmint (Nepeta), African Daisy (Gazania) and smaller-growing Beardtongues (Penstemon).​

Tried and True Hummingbird Mint!

Agastache 'Blue Boa' PP24,050 (Blue Boa Hummingbird Mint) With deep purple-violet blooms, ‘Blue Boa’ is a sturdy upright grower that has large green leaves. It grows best in fast-draining soil and average moisture levels. Leave the stems in place over the winter months to improve cold hardiness. This perennial is a stunning hybrid variety of hummingbird mint that blooms from mid-to-late summer and has won the 2013 title of “Too Good to Wait Performer” at the Colorado State Perennial Trials. Seedlings will not be true-to-type and should be weeded out. 24" tall x 18-24" wide.

Diascia Coral Canyon

Tried and True perennial for 2018

Diascia Coral Canyon® is one of the best new perennial introductions of the past 25 years. Native to South Africa, it blooms all summer with salmon-pink flowers held over finely textured stems with bright green foliage. A 2000 Plant Select Winner. A cold hardy Twinspur, Coral Canyon Twinspur is a vigorous perennial that blooms throughout the summer months. The salmon-pink flowers are held above the foliage on wiry stems. Originally from the Drakensberg mountains of South Africa, this superb plant has proven itself to be a stand-out in our western landscapes! Coral Canyon Twinspur thrives in enriched garden soils and appreciates regular watering.

15" tall x 18" wide

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